YUMMY Brings a New Way of Home Cooking to the Czech Republic

Our portfolio company, YUMMY, is entering the Czech market with a unique service that allows customers to choose and order the recipes they want to cook and delivers all the necessary ingredients directly to their homes. This innovative way of home cooking originates from Finland, where parent company Ruokaboksi has been operating since 2017. After successfully entering the Estonian market, YUMMY decided to expand its activities to Prague and plans to expand to other Czech cities as well.

YUMMY Brings a New Way of Home Cooking to the Czech Republic

Why the Czech Republic?

According to the survey, 66% of Czechs across generations enjoy cooking, and a surprising 72% belong to the younger generation. Yet more than half of households say they don't have enough time to spend in the kitchen, 26% lack inspiration and more than two-thirds regularly hear the phrase "What's for dinner tonight?", which can be very stressful. And it is these obstacles that YUMMY helps to overcome. It saves time that families would otherwise spend shopping for food in the store, they can be confident that they are cooking with fresh ingredients, and it makes family dinners fun. And not just by spending time at the table together, but also by planning the menu and cooking together.

"We are excited to bring YUMMY to the Czech Republic and introduce a new, convenient and sustainable way to enjoy quality home cooking without the stress of planning and shopping.  The Czech Republic is a very strong e-commerce country. There are many companies that offer food delivery, however, in our category - cooking kit delivery - there is almost no one. So we see a great opportunity for growth in the Czech Republic," said Joonas Mäkilä, General Manager of YUMMY. 

YUMMY aims to make life easier for its customers by asking "What's for dinner?" becomes a thing of the past because they can prepare a variety of tasty, healthy and simple recipes every week without worry. This way, YUMMY helps people save time they would otherwise spend on menu planning and grocery shopping.

YUMMY's brand philosophy is based on sustainability and responsibility, focusing on minimizing food waste at all levels. YUMMY primarily sources its ingredients from local suppliers in precise quantities based on customer orders, ensuring nothing goes unused. Therefore, people have to order recipes in advance. Every ingredient in the box, including spices and sauces, is precisely measured in advance for the recipes and number of servings, eliminating food waste for customers as well.

The ambassador of YUMMY in the Czech Republic is the well-known model, moderator and influencer Jitka Nováčková. Jitka, who has a positive approach to the topic of sustainability and, thanks to her Finnish partner, is close to Nordic culture and food, will be involved in the activities the Finnish startup plans on the Czech market this year. 

YUMMY is an innovative service that allows customers to choose and conveniently from anywhere from a wide range of recipes, and YUMMY takes care of everything else except the cooking. In this way, it helps people save time they would otherwise spend planning menus and shopping for groceries. YUMMY sources as many raw materials as possible directly from local suppliers, but only after confirming the exact number of customer orders. Each box contains only the ingredients needed for the selected recipes, ensuring optimum freshness and food quality and avoiding food waste.